Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2009 San Diego Comic Con (Part 1)

Well, I'm back from 2009 San Diego Comic Con and had a great time. It was fun and exhausting. Wading through the throngs of people, standing in the long lines and walking miles in the exhibit hall were tiring but getting to see Leonard "Spock" Nimoy and other stars as well as the new movies and stuff coming out excited the geek in me. It's was also great to sit in the Captain's chair especially with Orion yeoman next to me.

The ride down was uneventful. The condo was nice and close to the trolley line to get to the convention. We go our badges early and had a bite to eat at Dick's before waiting for Preview Night to open. People started to line up at 1:00 am Wednesday morning for the Thursday "Twilight" panel. Crazy!

The "Female Power Icons In Pop Culture" panel with Sigourney Weaver, Eliza Dushku, Zoe Saldana, and Elizabeth Mitchell was fun and informative.

As well as the spotlight on Gene Yang.

"Halo Legends" is anime from the people who made "The Animatrix". It'll be Halo universe stories by Japanese anime makers. It should be good.

The Warner Bros. panel showed previews of new movies coming out. The stars even came out to promote them. Some of the movies are "Sherlock Holmes", "Where The Wild Things Are", "The Book Of Eli", "A Nightmare On Elm Street", "The Box", and "Jonah Hex". The stars who showed up were Robert Downey Jr., Rachel McAdams, Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Jackie Earle Haley, Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Josh Brolin and Meagan Fox.

It was a delightful surprise that Hayao Miyazaki showed up for the Disney Panel to promote his new movie "Ponyo". Disney is also re-releasing Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and Beauty and the Beast in 3D. Beauty looks fabulous and can't wait to see it. They also have Toy Story 3D coming as well as a new hand animated "The Princess and the Frog".

End of Part 1.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Road Trip

Tomorrow I leave for San Diego and the annual Comic-Con convention. I was last there in 2005. This year it sold out pretty early. The crowds and lines are going to be murder. Fortunately, I don't have too much interest in the panels in Hall H, which is the biggie. So I'll be okay. It should be fun. I'll report on the festivities when I get back or maybe while I'm there. I'll have internet access but my time may be spent elsewhere.

