Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tech Toys

Here are a couple of new toys that I recently picked up.

One is the Kodak Zi8 pocket video camera. It can do HD at 1080p but I'll probably film most things at 720p. Not everyone has a HDTV. I did order the Sony Stereo Microphone from here: http://www.dealextreme.com/. Dealextreme sells it for less than $5 while Amazon wants $45. What a deal. And it works too.

I did film my nephews wrestling with their shirts off. I didn't plan on it. I just walked in on them while trying out the camera. I'll wait until they're older and then embarrass them with the video. Ha… ha…

The other is a new cell phone with a brain. It's a Samsung Intercept that's running Android 2.1 on the Sprint network. It's running okay. At times the touch buttons are a little finicky and the battery drains when I have the WiFi on. I have to remember to turn it off when I'm at work or out and about.

What's funny is that I bought the Zi8 a couple of months ago and the Intercept last week. The Intercept not only takes pictures but can record video as well. Oh well…

Summer Grilling

Here's what I've been grilling on the Weber Q. Top Sirloin and Tri-Tip. I've cooked other stuff such as chicken and Rib Eyes but I keep forgetting to take pictures of them. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with the grill and recommend it. Five hot briquets!