Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Big Bag Of Hurt!"

So I found a notebook blu-ray burning for cheap and put it in an enclosure to test. I wanted to see how easy it was to make a back-up copy of a blu-ray disk for backup purposes. I'm on a Mac so there is only one choice at the moment. Makemkv. To make a long story short and to quote Steve Jobs, "It's a big bag of hurt!" It takes a long time to rip it to the HD, probably because it's a notebook drive. And it takes hours to process the video file into something that's manageable to use.

From what I've read, the windows side is a little more easy but the processing time is the killer. Even with my Mac Pro, which is very heavy duty, the wait time is long and arduous. I think I'll pass on blu-ray for now. The picture quality is excellent mind you but backing them up is a pain and the DRM sucks.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Time is flying…

Man, it's almost the end of October already! Time is flying by real quick this year. Next thing you know Christmas hits and a New Year is beginning. Turkey day first.

So, I've been playing Halo 3: ODST for the last couple of weeks. I haven't finished it because I'm taking my time and want to enjoy the experience. I also get frustrated at times and just wonder aimlessly. I like the new silencer and the heavy pistol is back. I've haven't tried the pistol yet though. I have to be like my friend Trent and pick up every available weapon and check where the the life packs are. Overall, I'm enjoying the game and that's what counts.

I have a dilemma as well. I just ordered an Intel 80 GB SSD. I don't know where to install it. Should it be in my MacPro or a new MacBook or MacBook Pro? I guess I'll stick in the MacPro and test it out first to see how I like it and then go from there. The speed is gonna be incredible. It'll be almost instant on.