Saturday, October 24, 2009

Time is flying…

Man, it's almost the end of October already! Time is flying by real quick this year. Next thing you know Christmas hits and a New Year is beginning. Turkey day first.

So, I've been playing Halo 3: ODST for the last couple of weeks. I haven't finished it because I'm taking my time and want to enjoy the experience. I also get frustrated at times and just wonder aimlessly. I like the new silencer and the heavy pistol is back. I've haven't tried the pistol yet though. I have to be like my friend Trent and pick up every available weapon and check where the the life packs are. Overall, I'm enjoying the game and that's what counts.

I have a dilemma as well. I just ordered an Intel 80 GB SSD. I don't know where to install it. Should it be in my MacPro or a new MacBook or MacBook Pro? I guess I'll stick in the MacPro and test it out first to see how I like it and then go from there. The speed is gonna be incredible. It'll be almost instant on.

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